In the event the World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC). Apple has announced latest smartphone, the iPhone 4. Working together with AT & T Wireless, the new phone will go on sale on June 24, 2010. It costs just U.S. $ 199 for the 16GB model and U.S. $ 299 for a 32GB storage capacity. Condition, users must subscribe to a minimum of two year service.
However, when it original vendor was reluctant to Cupertino, California anyarnya smartphone presents a more detailed specification. Now, gradually, viscera within the iPhone 4 began unfolding, particularly RAM. Ascertained memory reaches 512 MB RAM iPhone 4.
That is, the ability of the iPhone 4 in terms of both process and performance is estimated to reach two-fold greater than even Apple's iPhone 3GS iPad, tablet PC, which was launched in January last.
"Extra memory on the iPhone 4 will be expected to serve a more robust multitasking performance and fast," said Apple spokesman quoted hardware Computer World.
This new variant of the new iPhone will be available in the market starting June 24. Compared to the previous two models, the original iPhone was released in 2007 and the iPhone 3G in 2008 powered sliding on the system memory of 128MB. The next year, Apple released the iPhone 3GS with greater memory capacity, which is 256MB.
"This capability will actually prove the performance of the operating system iOS4 a strong and stable in doing many things at one time or multitasking," said Aaron Vronko, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Portage, the company's supplier and partner for the Apple iPhone, iPod, and iPad.
"With 256MB of memory, the customer's desire for multitasking is very limited and too a waste of time. The presence of 512MB of memory would be very helpful and allows you to run a number of applications without compromising battery life," explained Vronko.
As we all know, Apple recently introduced a new operating system called IOS. He offers about 100 features of which are updates of previous operating systems.
In between the launch of the iPhone 4, Apple founder Steve Jobs, revealed several new features IOS platform. Among others, multitasking capabilities, iBook, advertising, as well as file management, presented the application, and support for wireless keyboards.
In addition, IOS platform will support the creation customization iTunes playlist, tap-to-focus video, the camera's zoom function of up to five times, and features photo named 'Faces and Places'.
This feature will allow users to view and sort photos based on where they take photos and who appears in the photo.